Human case of West Nile Virus reported in Ascension Parish
ASCENSION PARISH - Officials say West Nile Virus has been detected in Ascension Parish.
Information received from the Ascension Parish Mosquito Control Department states that one human case was reported in the St. Amant area, according to a release. The area received additional treatment after the state department of health confirmed the case.
“Mosquito control is a community-wide effort,” President Kenny Matassa said. “We are asking our residents to use common sense practices in helping us in fighting this annual problem.”
Open, water-filled containers provide mosquitoes with a breeding ground. Water left standing for five to seven days has the potential to produce hundreds of mosquitoes per day, according to the release.
Pet dishes, bird baths, planters and other places with standing water, should be flushed out with fresh water every four days to prevent mosquitoes from completing their development cycle.
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For more information, contact Ascension Parish Mosquito Control at 225-621-9613.