MovEBR project priority list still being finalized
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BATON ROUGE - Nine months after voters approved the half-cent sales tax, Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome officially kicked off her MovEBR road tax plan Monday night.
The tax will run for 30 years, generating about 40 million dollars a year. The program includes roughly 70 projects across the parish.
"Everybody wants their project first," Drainage and Transportation Director, Fred Raiford, said. "That's not gonna be possible, somebody's gonna be the first project."
The prioritization process is already underway. The Mayor's office says several factors go into determining which projects the parish will tackle first.
"I have had conversations with my folks in DPW and transportation and I think there are opportunities that we have existing projects that connect to our projects in the MovEBR project," Broome said.
While she wouldn't detail specific projects she'd like to see done first, Mayor Broome did say drivers need to see results.
"I think there are some opportunities to seize some low hanging fruit and show some tangible results sooner rather than later," Broome said.
The priority list should be done by the middle of October or November, at the latest, but the administration says this will be a feat, unlike anything EBR has done before.
"We would like to see it done in 15 to 17 years," Raiford said. "It's gonna be a lot of work that's required from the city-parish to get these projects out on a timely basis."