It's heating up and officials are reminding people to stay cool
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BATON ROUGE - Summer has just arrived and local EMS workers are already seeing an increase in heat-related calls.
"It's not our first heat of the year, but it's the first significant heat wave we've had so far," Baton Rouge EMS Supervisor Mike Chustz said.
Despite the heat index in triple digits, plenty of people were out in local recreational facilities, enjoying the outdoor activities.
"It's actually not too bad, as long as I don't move too fast," Martha Metrailer said.
Metrailer was learning how to play croquet Saturday with a group of people at City Park in Baton Rouge.
"I probably won't be out here much longer. I think there a summing pool calling me in about a half hour," Metrailer said.
First responders say heat-related illnesses are not always easily detected, you'll be suffering from complications and not even realize it.
"That is serious because we respond out heat-related calls all of the time and it doesn't take long for it to get serious," Chustz said.
Chustz adds that it's best to hydrate the night before you plan any outdoor activity in hot weather.