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Woman shell-shocked after taking gunfire on I-12; police say it happens often
BATON ROUGE - It's something one woman never thought would happen to her. Brandy Robertson's car was shot at while she was driving on the interstate through Baton Rouge.
"The thoughts are, I almost didn't make it home that night to my children," she said.
It's something no parent should have to think about, but Robertson did. She didn't truly believe it until she got out of her car and saw the hole. It was shot with a .45 on the driver's side near the rear window.
Robertson says it happened on a Friday afternoon around 3:45. She was driving on I-12 headed east just past O'Neal Lane when it happened.
"There's traffic everywhere, you don't tend to think someone just shot at you," said Robertson.
Her ears started ringing. Robertson was the only one in her car at the time and checked herself to make sure nothing was wrong. She checked her mirrors and saw that it wasn't a flat tire.
"I didn't see any tires, but the car next to me sped off, and it was a light-colored sedan, and then I knew I definitely got shot at," she said.
When Robertson got back to her Denham Springs office, she saw the bullet hole. It's since been patched with silicone, but the bullet is lodged somewhere in the car frame. Seeing that hole got her mind racing.
"It could have been me, it could have been my little one in the back seat. Even if it wasn't me, what about the person next to me or the car in front or behind me?" she said.
Upset, frightened and nervous, Robertson took the weekend and then the following weekday filed a police report with BRPD. She says when she got there, she was asked why she was filing a police report if she was uninjured.
"Honestly, I felt more like a victim going to the police station and filing a report than I did when I got shot at," Robertson said.
She learned that being shot at on the interstate happens quite a lot.
"They alluded to the fact that this is something that happens in Baton Rouge often," she said.
Baton Rouge Police tells WBRZ that they have had a couple of shootings on the highways lately. Either way, it happened to Robertson.
"I guess I never realized that driving on the interstate, you know, I could get shot at," she said.
Now the thought of driving on the interstate spooks her. She has changed some of her plans and canceled meetings in certain areas to avoid driving long stretches on the interstate.