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With safeguards in place, Catholic High football team returns for on-campus workouts Tuesday

4 years 2 weeks 6 days ago Sunday, June 07 2020 Jun 7, 2020 June 07, 2020 3:01 PM June 07, 2020 in Sports
Source: WBRZ

BATON ROUGE - Catholic High Head Football Coach Gabe Fertitta and his staff have been preparing to welcome back students for summer workouts on June 8 for a while. 

"These kids need something positive, and June 8 is going to be positive," Fertitta said. "We've really had to expand our thoughts on where kids can lift, how kids can lift, how they can exercise."

Groups of no more than 10 will be spread out between outdoor workout stations that feature a bar and a full set of weights. The weight room and other areas on campus to encourage social distancing. 

Working out outside will be nothing new for some players, considering the bears have done so in the summer for the last two years. 

"Our kids are pretty familiar with all the modifications that we do to lift outside as opposed to lifting inside," Fertitta explained. 

Workout stations and the hands using them will be disinfected multiple times throughout the lift. Students and coaches who wish to get tested for the virus will also have that ability a well.

"Under the parameters that we have been given, I feel really good about being able to safely get our kids ready to play the game on a September night and be as prepared as they possible can be," Ferttita said.  

According to Fertitta, coming up with a safe way for his kids to workout is something that came after a lot of collaboration between him and other coaches in the area. He says if he wants his sport to return in the fall, it's going to take everyone doing their part.
"What matters most is that we all do this the right way and that we do this safely to protect kids and coaches and protect our season," Fertitta said. "There is no use to try and protect our season. The best thing we can do right now is come together so that we can handle this the right way and show people that the high school football community in louisiana knows how to handle these things the right way."

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