Video of man destroying his AR-15 goes viral
SCOTCHTOWN, N.Y. — A man's post on Facebook is going viral after he recorded himself destroying his AR-15 rifle in the wake of last week's mass shooting at a Florida school.
Scott Pappalardo said he legally purchased and registered the firearm more than 30 years ago. He also says he's a firm believer in the Second Amendment, going as far as to have it tattooed on his arm.
After 17 were killed by a shooter wielding an AR-15 in Parkland, Florida Wednesday, Pappalardo said he felt he had to do something.
“Is the right to own this weapon more important than someone’s life? Look at the pictures of those victims. Is that right more important?” Pappalardo said in the video before declaring he wants to make sure his gun is never capable of taking someone’s life.
He added that other factors can contribute but, “ultimately, it’s a gun like this one that takes away the lives.”
Pappalardo then takes the weapon to a sawing machine and cuts it into pieces on camera.
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“Now, there’s one less,” he said. “I hope and I pray that it doesn’t take the barrel of one of those guns pointed at your child’s head to change your mind.”
As of Tuesday, the video has been viewed more than 19 million times.