Tyra Banks launches ice cream company
SANTA MONICA, California - Former supermodel Tyra Banks has created an ice cream company called, "Smize Cream."
Named after her signature modeling expression of “smiling with your eyes,” Smize Cream is on track to become quite the empire, according to Variety.
The 47-year-old celebrity entrepreneur told a Variety reporter she'd like to model her career path after the one set by Walt Disney and eventually see Smize Cream become as prolific as Disney.
“Walt Disney is one of my inspirations, my role models,” Banks said. “I look at what he did and how it’s still relevant to this day. His legacy lives on — the family entertainment, the happiest place on Earth. That’s what I want, a legacy.”
Banks' company is more than an ice cream production line. Like Disney, its reach extends into the world of cartoon animation.
So, while Smize Cream does include a collection of seven ice cream flavors, it also features a cast of original animated characters.
“We’re going to do movies and cartoons,” Banks explained to Variety.
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The flagship Smize Cream shop opened July 2 in Santa Monica, California.