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LSU releases new campus guidelines as La. enters Phase 3

4 years 1 week 4 days ago Thursday, March 04 2021 Mar 4, 2021 March 04, 2021 4:25 PM March 04, 2021 in News
Source: WBRZ

BATON ROUGE - LSU outlined its updated coronavirus restrictions Thursday as Louisiana moves into Phase 3 of its reopening.

The university said changes to its COVID-19 safety rules will take effect Monday, March 8. You can view the full list of new guidelines below.

-LSU still encourages meetings and events to be held virtually, whenever possible.

-If an in-person meeting or event takes place, outdoor venues are encouraged.

-Indoor meetings and events will be limited to 50% capacity, not to exceed 250 attendees.

-Outdoor meetings and events will be limited to 50% capacity, with no maximum number of attendees.

-All in-person attendees at meetings and events will be required to follow CDC guidelines for physical distancing and personal hygiene.

-All meetings and events with more than 10 in-person attendees will still require written approval from the EOC. More information on event requirements and approval forms can be found at https://www.lsu.edu/roadmap/campus/events.php.

-Effective Monday, student organizations can request changes for any events scheduled in -TigerLink for Saturday, March 20, or later.

-Face coverings are still required on campus

You can read more about LSU's Phase 3 plan here

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