Local celebrities participate in boxing match for St. Jude's Children Hospital
BATON ROUGE - Local celebrities and politicians participated in the Red Stick Rivalry boxing match Saturday at the Baton Rouge Community College.
To kick-off the event, Democratic Chair Katie Bearnhardt took on Councilwoman Jennifer Racca. Later, Southern University Athletic Director Roman Banks went up against LSU's Executive Athletic Director Verge Ausberry. Additionally, several professional boxers from around Louisiana entered the ring.
A portion of the proceeds from the event will go to St. Jude's Children Hospital and a family who was in attendance at the match — Ja'leah and Wajeedah Jones.
Ja'leah was diagnosed with a brain tumor in January and has been undergoing treatment at St. Jude's.
"It has been a long, but great experience, I'll say. I just miss a lot of stuff and I just want to go home," Ja'leah said.
They were the spotlight of Saturday's event. Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome, Councilwoman Carolyn Coleman, and Cleve Dunn were in attendance to support the cause and speak with Ja'leah.
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"The support of the family, community, and everyone has been awesome. We just appreciate all of the support. We're so grateful and want to thank everyone for coming out. We are truly humbled and grateful," Wajeedah said.