Lafourche Parish residents can return to their homes
THIBODAUX - Residents who evacuated from Lafourche Parish can return to their homes.
Thibodaux Police Department said checkpoints will be strictly enforced, and drivers must show proof of residency. There will be a nightly curfew from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Police warned residents that there is no power or cell phone service in most of the area. Thibodaux is the only city that access to clean water.
Read the full statement here:
City of Thibodaux and all Lafourche Parish residents will be allowed to return home beginning at noon today (Tuesday, August 31). Checkpoints are set up, and you must show proof of residency such as your driver’s license.
A nightly curfew is now in place from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. All alcohol sales are suspended until further notice. The nightly check point will be strictly enforced.
Although the City of Thibodaux has water, please know there is no clean water access from Raceland to the South Lafourche area. There is no power in the City of Thibodaux and the rest of the Parish, and it will not be restored for some time. Nearly all communication is down, including cell phone service parish-wide.
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Your home may be severely damaged and uninhabitable. There is limited stores open inside the City Limits of Thibodaux.
Most of the parish does not have access to food at this time due to the amount of damage to stores, so please bring all supplies you need to self-sustain while you are here. City and Parish officials are working on phone services now to ensure emergency services can be contacted and dispatched.
Please drive with caution and treat all inoperable traffic lights as stop signs when maneuvering through the City and the Parish.