From tickets to traffic, here's everything you need to know about Garth Brooks' Tiger Stadium show
Legendary country artist Garth Brooks is coming to Baton Rouge this weekend. Below you'll find everything you need to know if you plan to attend or if you're just trying to avoid the impending traffic nightmare.
Believe it or not, you can still get tickets for the show through Ticketmaster, though if you wanna get close to the main stage you'll need to peruse the secondary market. Tickets can also be purchased through the Garth Brooks phone line at (877) 654-2784.
Attendees can buy pre-paid parking passes from LSU Athletics. They range from $40 to $50 per vehicle and are limited to two per buyer. Those spots will open at 7 a.m. the day of the concert.
You can also opt for day-of parking in certain lots, which will cost about $30 to $40. Those lots won't open until around 4 p.m.
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Free parking will also be available at the levee and hayfield lots.
Motor home parking will be available at $250 for the weekend.
See the full lot breakdown here.
Traffic will be directed in specific directions at the lot exits. The routes will run the perimeter of campus around River Road, Highland Road and Gourrier Avenue.