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EBR Mayor's HealthyBR Advisory Board issues recommendations on CDC's updated exposure guidelines

4 years 2 months 4 weeks ago Monday, December 14 2020 Dec 14, 2020 December 14, 2020 12:12 PM December 14, 2020 in News
Source: WBRZ

BATON ROUGE - The East Baton Rouge Parish Mayor's Office issued a Monday morning news release, addressing an update to local Exposure Recommendations in accordance with the renewed guidance provided by The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) last Thursday.

The new list of recommendations was created by Mayor Broome's HealthyBR Region 2 Medical Advisory Board.

“As we continue to navigate this coronavirus pandemic, it is important for our community to be equipped with the most up-to-date information from our local healthcare experts,” said Mayor Broome. “While the exposure recommendations have been modified, our residents should not let their guards down. The Region 2 Medical Advisory Board remains steadfast in their recommendation for a 14 day quarantine following a COVID-19 exposure. This is the best way to stop the spread in our community.” 

As of December 2020, the CDC has made the following updates:

-Quarantine may end after 10 days without getting a COVID-19 test, only if no symptoms have been reported with daily monitoring.

-When a person can have access to a COVID-19 test, they may end their quarantine after day 7 if the test is negative, and the person has no symptoms at any point during their daily monitoring during their quarantine period.

Detailed information regarding these updates are outlined in the document below. The Region 2 Medical Advisory Board strongly recommends following the 10 day guideline, and adhering to the 14 day quarantine if possible. 

“As we head into the tenth month of dealing with COVID-19, and the holidays are just a couple of weeks away, please continue to do the things that we know will slow the spread of this virus. Wearing a mask and keeping physical distance between others, along with hand washing and staying home if sick, will reduce the community spread of COVID-19,” said Tatiana Patel, Infectious Disease Physician at The Baton Rouge Clinic. “I urge anyone that has been exposed to a known COVID-19 case to follow the recommendations regarding proper quarantine, which have been recently updated. We don’t want to overburden our hospitals and staff this winter, please help by doing your part.”

The recommendations from the Region 2 Medical Advisory Board outlines protocol for the 7 day, 10 day, and 14 day quarantine periods, as well as recommendations on preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Mayor Broome’s HealthyBR Region 2 Medical Advisory Board includes: The Baton Rouge Clinic, Baton Rouge General, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana, Healthy BR, Ochsner Baton Rouge, Our Lady of the Lake, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, and Woman’s Hospital.

The quarantine recommendations are explained below.

*Although these recommendations have been modified, if you are able to, the Region 2 Medical Advisory Board recommends that you remain quarantined for 14 days as this is still the best recommendation given by the CDC. *

Quarantine may end AFTER 10 days without getting a COVID-19 test, only if no symptoms have been reported with daily monitoring. 

-Even after leaving quarantine, the person needs to continue to self-monitor for symptoms for a total of 14 days (4 additional days after leaving quarantine). 

-After day 10, the person should follow the below recommendations very closely: 

-Wearing a mask (all persons, even children in 2 nd grade or younger) ? Anytime you are outside of your home, and

-If you are around people in your home who were not exposed to COVID-19 ? Physical distancing (at least 6 feet) from all people 

-Avoiding crowded indoor and outdoor places 

-Washing your hands often 

-When a person can have access to a COVID-19 test they may end their quarantine AFTER day 7 if the test is negative, and the person has no symptoms at any point during their daily monitoring during their quarantine period. 

- However, we recommend that testing be done with a molecular or PCR test, not a rapid antigen test; and testing should be done no sooner than 48 hours (on day 5, 6, or 7 of their quarantine) before leaving their quarantine. 

- A person SHOULD NOT leave their quarantine before day 7. 

- Even after leaving quarantine, the person needs to continue to self-monitor for symptoms for a total of 14 days (7 additional days after leaving quarantine). 

- After day 7, the person should follow the below recommendations very closely: 

- Wearing a mask (all persons, even children in 2 nd grade or younger) 

- Anytime you are outside of your home, and 

- If you are around people in your home who were not exposed to COVID-19 

- Physical distancing (at least 6 feet) from all people 

- Avoiding crowded indoor and outdoor places 

-Washing your hands often The Region 2 Medical Advisory Board strongly recommends following at least the 10 day guideline. Most importantly, we continue to recommend: 

- All people should always wear a face covering when they are around people outside of their immediate household (people you live with) or in public to reduce the spread of COVID-19 

- Maintain physical distancing of 6 feet or more 

- Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol BEFORE and AFTER: 

- Touching your eyes, nose, or mouth 

- Touching your mask 

- Entering and leaving a public place o Touching an item or surface that may be frequently touched by other people, such as door handles, tables, gas pumps, shopping carts, or electronic cashier registers/screens 

-Avoid crowded places, avoid non-essential indoor spaces and crowded outdoor spaces, and postpone any unnecessary travel. Quarantine is when someone separates themselves from others to avoid spreading a disease. When a person quarantines they should: - stay at home; 

- separate themselves from others who they live with; 

- monitor their health by checking their temperature and other symptoms; 

- and follow directions from their doctor as well as members of the state health department. Since the pandemic began in early March, the CDC has recommended that anyone in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, should quarantine for 14 days. An exposure or close contact is when: 

- You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more 

-You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19 

- You had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them) 

- You shared eating or drinking utensils 

- They sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you During the time of quarantine, a person who has been in close contact to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 should do the following: 

- Monitor for symptoms which include: o Checking your temperature at least twice daily for a fever (100.4?F or higher) o Monitor for any other symptoms consistent with COVID infection

- Symptoms include: 

- Cough, shortness of breath 

- Congestion

- Body aches 

- Headache 

- Diarrhea 

- Loss of taste or smell 

- Seek medical care for testing and/or treatment if symptoms start or continue 

While in quarantine, you should stay away from others, use a separate bathroom if possible and if you need to be around people in your home who were not exposed always wear a mask.

For more information you can visit: CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/quarantine.html Louisiana Department of Health: https://ldh.la.gov/index.cfm/newsroom/detail/5905

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