Certain fire departments efforts for a millage increase fails before Metro Council
BATON ROUGE - Metro Council members denied moving forward for the second time in a year with a millage that will increase revenue for certain fire departments during a meeting Wednesday evening.
"For Baton Rouge Fire Department, we've always collected 6 mills on the value of property inside the city limits of Baton Rouge since the year 2000. This is the first time in 25 years that our millages have not rolled forward," Jake Morgan with the Baton Rouge Fire Department said.
Fire chiefs from across the parish say they rely on those millages for employee pay and have been pleading with council members to roll them forward.
"We have set tax dollars, and the cost of buying, hiring people, and keeping the department running, those cost go up. So this would've been a nice increase in revenue to provide service without any interruption," Morgan said.
Council members had to vote unanimously in order for it to be approved, but some were not on board.
"Personally I feel it shouldn't be legal for us to have a roll forward. The roll forward is a tax - it's us passing a tax on an unrealized gain. Someone on a fixed income, they didn't get more dollars in their pocket because the value of their property went up," Mayor Pro-Tem and District 1 council member Brandon Noel said during the meeting.
"I support rolling all millages forward when all of them are presented. I will not support this item as written because it has the absence of the Council on Aging and others," District 6 council member Cleve Dunn said.
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Council on Aging and emergency services millages were left off tonight's agenda item. But several council members wanted it be added back. Morgan says it shouldn't have been a topic of discussion.
"I want Council on Aging to succeed just like anybody that uses the service. I think it's a great service. But tonight was strictly about public safety and Council on Aging should not have been a factor. So therefore they held us hostage in their decision making," Morgan said.