Boucherie and Balloon festival is back in Sorrento after 12-year absence
SORRENTO - After a 12-year hiatus, the Sorrento Lions Club is bringing back the Boucherie and Balloon festival.
From Dec. 2-4, the spot off of Airline Highway will be filled with performances, cook-offs, and now, hot air balloon rides.
"It's great to bring this back to Sorrento, and we just hope people enjoy it and it's successful," says Terry Braud, a member of Lions Club and one of the cracklin' cooks.
The festival will have more than 20 food vendors and merchants, but that's not all. Over the course of the weekend, it'll host a series of live bands, cooking competitions, hot air balloon rides and even a fireworks show.
Admission is free, but the Lions Club is accepting donations to go toward the Louisiana Eye Foundation and the Louisiana Lions Children's Camp. It allows children with disabilities to attend summer camps for free and grants preschool students the opportunity to receive free eye care.
"It's going to be a big thing, and I'm very excited," said Gracie Guilot, this year's Miss Boucherie.