Mayor releases names of remaining BR police chief candidates
BATON ROUGE- All 12 of the applicants that applied for the Baton Rouge Police Chief position have been approved by the board.
> UPDATE THURSDAY 11/2: Eleven of the twelve applicants passed the test; The names of the eleven who can be considered by the mayor for the next police chief will be released soon. Applicants had to score at least a 75% on the test for chief of police.
The Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Board just confirmed that all the candidates met initial qualifications.
The following list are the names of the applicants that passed and their scores:
-Myron K. Daniels (93)
-Samuel L. Wyatt (92)
-Richard W. Harrell (89)
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-Jeremy A. Kent (89)
-Mark A. Kraus (88)
-Paul J. Murphy (85)
-Ronald W. Stevens (85)
-Sharon W. Douglas (85)
-Shawn L. Caldwell (81)
-Robert McGarner (81)
-Darryl W. Honore (75)