4 daycare workers arrested for cruelty to juveniles
VIDALIA - Four workers at a Concordia Parish daycare were arrested Thursday after a 14-month-old boy was allegedly hit on the back by an employee.
Concordia Parish Sheriff's Office said the boy was hit Oct. 15 while he was in the care of Noah's Ark Daycare.
Deputies watched security footage and said the boy was excessively hit by a worker numerous times. Two other one-year-old children were also hit by employees.
Authorities obtained all security footage and said there were "numerous instances of children being struck excessively on different parts of the body including the face, mouth and head, as well as several employees striking the children with wooden paint sticks," according to arrest documents.
The following arrests were made:
-Taylor Ragonesi, 19, was charged with three counts of cruelty to juveniles.
-Lysa Richardson, 36, was charged with three counts of cruelty to juveniles.
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-Bridget Delaughter, 34, was charged with four counts of cruelty to juveniles.
-Julianne N. Porales, 27, was charged with 11 counts of cruelty to juveniles.