Wednesday's Health Report: Cancer-related fatigue can affect you before, during, after treatment

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BATON ROUGE — People can experience cancer-related fatigue before, during and after treatments. It goes beyond just being tired; it may be challenging to even get out of bed in the morning. 

Ask anyone experiencing cancer fatigue, and they will tell you that it's horrendous. It can feel like your body is working overtime, and you're super exhausted. It's the type of tiredness that won't go away if you rest a bit.

"It's different from the normal tiredness we typically have, as it's more intense. It's not easily relieved with rest, and it can greatly impact how you're feeling and doing," hospice and palliative medicine specialist Touré Barksdale says

He says several factors contribute to cancer-related fatigue, including chemotherapy, radiation, anemia, emotional factors and the cancer itself.

"And then preexisting comorbidities, such as anxiety, depression, fatigue and sleep apnea, can also play a role in cancer-related fatigue as well," Barksdale says.

Treatments vary from person to person, but they can consist of physical therapy, energy conservation, psychostimulants and holistic methods.

"Yoga, tai chi, Reiki therapy, integrative medicine techniques," Barksdale says.

It's a good idea to prioritize your schedule and only do the important things. Also, ask for help when needed. Barksdale says to contact your healthcare team if you're suffering from cancer-related fatigue.